Recently I was browsing through an ESPN magazine when I came across a picture of Derek Fisher, point guard for the Lakers, and this book. The article spoke about what professional athletes have as keep sakes that help them through the day, week or even life.
Derek Fisher, who is dealing with his daughters eye cancer, says he reads this daily devotional book to get centered after a rough day. "I read things in there that allow me to stay in the right place," Fisher said. He also mentioned that he refers to the Bible passages and prays after he has read the devotional of the day.
After reading this article I decided to go purchase this book since I face struggles that every man does. To be honest this was one of the best purchases of my life. It challenges my walk and stretches my faith and worries to where they should be it also talks about all of the challenges that we as men face. Sometimes it is hard for a man to read or get closer to God but this book puts those daily challenges into perspective. I would encourage any MAN out there to purchase and read this book.