Sticks-n-Bones comes from the Switchfoot song 4:12. They mention that, "souls aren't built of stone... only Sticks-n-Bones!" I thought about this for a while and decided that perhaps our souls are like sticks and bones. Where many of us are easy to break like sticks. While some of us it takes a lot of pressure before we break like bones do. The catch is, is that with the right "resetting" bones can heal over time.
What a great time that we had... Listening to great speakers, worshiping with a great worship band and attending great workshops...
Why would we want to do that?
Lets Go Tennessee Volunteers!
Hey any of the people that went on the trip to IYC, we have made it on
Search for "trip to Tennessee" and we are on the first page performing our one way, Jesus dance!
to be conformed in the likeness of God's son, because God has a plan and i want to smack dap in the middle of that plan.
how funny... I saw you all on
The road trip to Tennessee sounded alot of fun. Great video. Was those our Crossroads boys singing the last song on the clip? shoo up shoo up
Yeah that was Jon, the youth group(teens) Becky and I went to Tennessee for the International Youth Conference. Which is a vaction revival so to speak. I was a blast! Just remember that the people at the end of that video are actually us the rest of the video has nothing to do with Crossroads.
I thought the name "Fun" was a nickname for you. But this past Sunday I shook hands with your mom and was pleased to know "Fun" is your last name. Awesome.
no it really isn't I shall explain at church sometime
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