Sticks-n-Bones comes from the Switchfoot song 4:12. They mention that, "souls aren't built of stone... only Sticks-n-Bones!" I thought about this for a while and decided that perhaps our souls are like sticks and bones. Where many of us are easy to break like sticks. While some of us it takes a lot of pressure before we break like bones do. The catch is, is that with the right "resetting" bones can heal over time.
hahaha you lost the tigers in the 13th!
haha you lost to the Tigers in the 13th!
Im A-Rod and I come in Peace with my eyes close shot and a sense of a Red Sox meltdown in the second half of the season. ha I also crack more homers than you Mr. Ortiz
hehe mr. falooba bi!
"Oh man! Big Papi you need a 'Bro'!"
Big Papi, did you see my last paycheck?
yuck, this can't be a Red Sox player that I am running into. In that case Im not going to play for your team.
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