Thursday, June 21, 2007

X-Men 3 is it the Last Stand?

Recently I rewatched the X-men triliogy and I would be really excited if they were to make another one. Watching the third one I was disappointed but not as much as I originally was.
The new director lost focus on the "phoenix" story other than that though a good enough fill of our appetites.
If they do make another film about our favorite X-heros or not they need to have the entire cast back including the Nightcrawler and please get someone else to play Colosuss. Lets not forget to add Gambit to the mix either.
Another thing was it me or did Gramer do a great job as Beast? The only thing he didn't do enough of for me was quote intellectual people or poets enough.


At 4:23 PM , Blogger Adam said...

I heard the Wolverine movie is delayed due to no director...this true?

X3 was ok...I personally thought X2 was better.

At 6:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes X2 was the best of the three films but it was nice to see Beast!


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