The Peguin in DARK KNIGHT?
Sticks-n-Bones comes from the Switchfoot song 4:12. They mention that, "souls aren't built of stone... only Sticks-n-Bones!" I thought about this for a while and decided that perhaps our souls are like sticks and bones. Where many of us are easy to break like sticks. While some of us it takes a lot of pressure before we break like bones do. The catch is, is that with the right "resetting" bones can heal over time.
Edgar is your NEW TIGER!!! The Tigers gave up Jair Jurrjens and Gorkys Hernandez to get the shortstop that they despritely needed with moving Guillen over to first base. But lets not worry that they gave up too much for Edgar. The Tigers have the BEST farm system in the entire league and another outfielder will come along. For the pitching side of it, I liked Jair but the Tigers have the potential to have great pitching prospects in the near future plus they are going to go after a starting pitcher yet this off season (besides just Rogers) so Detroit will be just fine.
I purchased the Detroit News paper today and they had a group of players that may be in a Tiger uniform next season and Edgar's name was one that poped out! I was really excited when the Red Sox signed him a while ago and now they are still paying him 3 million a year(Never gave him enough time, 1 and done come on!) anyway I think this would be awesome if the Tigs could sign him to play short. He definately has solid numbers even if his range is a touch better than Guillens. They would just have to pull off some type of trade to get him and with Dombrowski and the Braves manager former co-workers I am sure a deal will be made. Now they just need to go get some solid Relief pitching.....
Hey everyone that reads this blog! I apologize for not updating more frequently but I am such a busy individual now! I mean being engaged is awesome and also comes with continual looking of reception halls. And man let me tell you, I have a been thinking about doing that sort of thing for a sideline!