Friday, March 30, 2007

DAILY BREAD: What's in a name?

Many are curious why I chose Sticks-n-Bones to be the name of my blog. Well the reason why is I really like the new album by Switchfoot and especially the song 4:12. At the end of this song it tells us that "souls aren't built of stone...Sticks-n-Bones!"

As I continued to listen to it, it made sense. Sticks and bones are two things that are breakable and one breaks rather easy(sticks) while the other one takes a lot of pressure before it breaks(bones). I guess what Switchfoot is trying to say is that at one point in time we face pressure and some of us breakdown. Some of us will breakdown easy while some of us take on a lot of pressure before we break. To make this a little deeper(which I may do from time to time) a stick that is already broken can't be repared where a bone with the right "resetting" can eventually heal.

Your thoughts:

What's on the screen of your cell phone?

I have this picture of the Red Sox Logo since it is baseball season and they are one of my top two fav's. The other is Detroit of course. When commenting on this post please keep it clean. Thank you.

Detroit Sports Talk

Baseball season is starting up and Detroit is looking to be better than last year. But with the way Verlanders stats were during spring training(8.31 ERA and 2 loses) will he bounce back for the regular season?

DEEEE-TROIT BAS-KET BALL! Will Billups sign another contract with the pistons or will he attempt to jump ship for bigger money?

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Wrestlemania is only a couple of days away!!

This weekend is Wrestlemania 23 and forunately for me I have a friend that asked me to go for FREE!!! I accepted of course and I am pumped to be going to it! I stilll can't believe how awesome this opportunity is...Thanks my ultimate!

Online Vote Coming Soon!

Soon I will upload a couple of pictures of me and place them next to pictures of the WWE Champ John Cena! I want to know if any of the bloggers out there think that I look like him.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My favorite picture

I would describe this picture as reflecting on Gods awesome creativity.

I love me some Karaoke!!!

My fellow blogger Adam, I and Mark Charles perform a little "Signs, Signs everywhere a Sign...."

Me and my girl

Here is the love of my life and I at the Wieler wedding I was in. Plus the decorating of his car!!

My time at CSU for IYC 2005

Here are some pictures from my trip to CSU while I was serving for International Youth Conference back in 2005. The man in these pictures is Francis Chan (no relation to Jackie HAHA) he was our main speaker for the entire week what a dynamic individual!!
Yeah I know this was a couple of years ago but this was an awesome time for me refocusing my life on God and here a a few of the pics from the trip!!

Kids Street News

This picture was from a Wednesday service where the leaders and stage squad of Kids Street lead worship for the evening. I had such a blast! Even though I did fall off the box I was on (I was unharmed in the fall). What a Great Night!!!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Daily Bread

Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to actually create a blog? Some say it's easy while I find it a little difficult. Your thoughts: